Thursday, October 15, 2020 | 3 – 5 pm | Register Here
This event will screen clips from the documentary No Small Matter, with discussion by keynote speaker Dr. Neal Horen, from Georgetown University, highlighting the impact of early care and education on brain development and America’s social and economic future.
Keynote speaker Dr. Neal Horen, director of early childhood at the Center for Child and Human Development at Georgetown University, will kick off a discussion on the importance of the early childhood period for making connections, building socioemotional health, and overall healthy development for all children. He will be joined by a panel of local experts in policy, program, and practice.
For more information and registration visit here.
This convening is the launch of a continuing series of events that the Center of Excellence for Children’s Behavioral Health will host that will address children’s behavioral health across the developmental continuum. The Center of Excellence is part of the Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC) in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University.