The Center of Excellence is currently conducting seven ongoing projects in conjunction with partners in state and local governments as well as leading behavioral health focused organizations.
Georgia APEX Program
The Georgia Apex Program recognizes that schools are a natural environment for identification and intervention and aims to reduce the number of youth with unmet mental health needs. The program supports community mental health providers to partner with schools and provide school-based mental health services, including direct student services, professional development for school staff, and opportunities for mental health promotion and awareness.
The Apex Program’s goals are to increase access to youth mental health services, to provide early detection of mental health needs in childhood and adolescence, and to strengthen coordination between community-based mental health providers and local schools.

Co-Occuring Clubhouse
The Center of Excellence worked with DBHDD to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan to support continuous program quality improvement and evaluate the effectiveness of the co-occurring clubhouse on youth outcomes.

Georgia Beck Initiative
Through intensive workshops and ongoing consultation, the Center of Excellence, in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania and DBHDD, is providing ongoing training to disseminate CT-R to behavioral health providers throughout the state.

High Fidelity Wraparound
Youth and emerging adults in Georgia with severe emotional disturbance receive intensive care coordination, education, and skill-building services in their communities through High Fidelity Wraparound programs.

The Listening, Inspiring, and Guiding Healthy Transitions Early Treatment Program (LIGHT-ETP) is a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grant program that address first-episode psychosis in the emerging adult population.

Recovery Support Clubhouses
The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Division of Addictive Diseases oversees nine Recovery Support Clubhouses for youth and young adults aged 13 to 21 years with substance use diagnoses.

Resiliency Support Clubhouses
The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) established the Resiliency Support Clubhouse Program in 2012 for children and youth with behavioral health needs.