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Recent Posts:
- Applications Open for Two Georgia THRIVe Infant Toddler Court Programs
- Applications Open for Two Georgia THRIVe Infant Toddler Court Programs
- Applications Open for Two Georgia THRIVe Infant Toddler Court Programs
- Welcome to the Center of Excellence for Children’s Behavioral Health
- Register Now! Fostering Growth After Trauma: Supporting Emotional Well-Being of Youth
- March 8th is: International Women’s Day
- March 21st is: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- March is: National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
- March Is: National Color Therapy Month
- February is: Black History Month
- February 3rd is: Time to Talk Day
- February 7th – 13th is: Children’s Mental Health Week
- February 14th is: Valentine’s Day
- February 17th is: Random Acts of Kindness Day
- Happy New Year from the Center of Excellence!
- November Is: National Adoption Awareness Month
- November Is: National Family Caregivers Month
- November 25th: Thanksgiving / National Day of Mourning
- Oct. 31st: Wishing you a safe and happy Halloween!
- October is: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- October 10th is: World Mental Health Day
- September is: Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
- September is: National Recovery Month
- September is: World Alzheimer’s Month
- August Is: Back to School Time!
- August is: National Immunization Awareness Month
- August is: Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month
- July 19th – 25th Is: Black Maternal Mental Health Week
- July Is: Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
- June 12th is: Family Health & Fitness Day
- June 18 is: Autistic Pride Month
- June is: PTSD Awareness Month
- June is: Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month
- June is: Pride Month – LGBTQIA+
- May Is: Mental Health Awareness Month
- May Is: National Foster Care Month
- May 9th – 15th Is: National Women’s Health Week
- May Is: Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month
- April is: National Autism Awareness Month
- April is: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
- April is: Counseling Awareness Month
- April is: National Minority Health Month
- April is: Stress Awareness Month
- March 4th Is: University Mental Health Day
- March 8th is: International Women’s Day
- March is: Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
- March is: Self-Harm Awareness Month
- March is: National Endometriosis Awareness Month
- February 1st – 7th is: Children’s Mental Health Week
- Black History Month @ Georgia State University
- February 14th – 20th Is: Random Acts of Kindness Week
- February Is: Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
- January Is: National Blood Donor Month
- January is: National Mentoring Month
- Happy 2021 From The Center of Excellence for Children’s Behavioral Health
- December Is: Seasonal Depression Awareness month
- December Is: National Stress-Free Family Holidays Month
- December Is: Safe Toys and Gifts Month
- December 10th Is: Universal Human Rights Day
- Happy Holidays from the Center of Excellence!
- November 13th Is: World Kindness Day
- November 19th Is: National Parental Involvement Day
- November 26th Is: National Family Health History Day (& Thanksgiving!)
- November Is: National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
- November Is: Adoption Awareness Month
- October 10th Is: World Mental Health Day
- October Is: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- October Is: National Bullying Prevention Month
- October Is: Health Literacy Month
- October Is: National ADHD Awareness Month
- Upcoming Virtual Event – Zero to Five: Building Connections for Lifelong Impact
- National Sickle Cell Awareness Month
- National Suicide Prevention Month
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
- August 26th Is: National Women’s Equality Day
- August 18th Is: Children’s Health Day
- August Is: National Immunization Awareness Month
- August Is: National Breastfeeding Awareness Month
- August Is: Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month
- July 30th Is: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
- July Is: Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
- July Is: Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
- School-Based Mental Health: A Virtual Townhall
- COVID-19: Georgia Health Policy Center Response & Resources
- June Is: Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month
- June 27th Is: National PTSD Awareness Day
- June 19th Is: World Sickle Cell Day
- COVID-19: Georgia Health Policy Center Response & Resources
- May 6th Is: World Maternal Mental Health Day
- Children’s Mental Health Day (Virtual): May 7th, 2020
- May Is: National Mental Health Month
- May Is: National Foster Care Month
- April Is: National Counseling Awareness Month
- April Is: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
- April 7th is World Health Day